The Principal or Stewardship in Health | Nashville Christian Family Magazine July 2023 issue - free Christian magazine

Health can feel more complicated than ever in this day and age. There is more “information” out there than there has ever been. There are more opinions than ever on what you should do to be healthy. Everyone wants to give their opinion on “the way” to be healthy. The “one thing” that you have to do. You can go on Google and look up “how to be healthy” and 50+ million results pop up. This is why we created a method of healthy living that fits anyone in any season.

F.O.R.M. > Fitness, Nutrition, Rest, and Recovery

The F.O.R.M. Method breaks health down into four simple areas. Fitness, Nutrition, Rest and Recovery, and Maintenance. As long as we have a simple routine in each of these four areas we will be set up pretty well for whatever season we are in. But even if we do all these things it may not fix the root issue of WHY we are wanting to be healthy in the first place. And the only way we will sustain a healthy lifestyle is if we are thinking rightly about health. After all, transformation comes by the renewing of the mind.

I believe the principle of stewardship is key for how to think rightly about our health. The key thing to understand about a steward is that what they are stewarding is not their own. Think of the parable of the talents in the Bible. The master gives each according to their ability. It’s not their money to steward and multiply, it’s the master’s money. It is the same with our bodies. Our bodies are God’s, not ours. And we are entrusted to steward our body so we can do all that God has called us to do. God has designed our bodies in a specific way and if we partner with that design everything will function in the way it needs to. The great thing about this is that God will give us the grace and wisdom we need in every season in how to be healthy if we press into Him. He will put people in our lives that can help us as well!

As you are walking through each season and trying to live a healthy lifestyle, lean into the Lord who will supply all you need to steward the body He has given you so you can do all He has called you to do! You got this!

Ashton Tate is the founder of Glory to Glory Fitness and the creator of The F.O.R.M. Curriculum. He works with schools all over the country to help students build a solid foundation in their health. 

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