So, what is Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) also known as Medicare Open Enrollment about?

If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan (MAPD) or a Prescription Drug plan (PDP) you have the option to review how that plan & carrier has worked for you this past year.  And if you need to make a change, you can do so during the time frame of October 15th through December 7th.  Whether you make a change or not your new plan or your existing plan will have a start date of January 1, 2022.

Ok how do I find out about the plans offered for 2022?

You have many resources (good news/bad news) in which you can find out.

First, you will receive via mail from your current plan/carrier what the plan you are on now will look like in 2022.  You should have received this in early October. It will tell you what changes (if any) will happen starting January 1, 2022.  Once you have that information you can discuss with your Agent any questions you may have.

Second, you will receive a bunch of mail/flyers/postcards about the benefits other plans will offer next year.

Third, you can go to Medicare’s website ( type in your zip code and review plans there.

Fourth. the Medicare & You 2022 publication from CMS is out and plans are listed in the back of the booklet.

And lastly you can contact your Agent and review with him or her.

Whew!  That’s a lot!

May I make a suggestion?  Starting now any correspondence you get from your current carrier or Medicare or Social Security please at least open the letter to see what inside.  If you have had an ‘issue’ with your plan or if your health circumstances have changed or gosh, I just want to know what’s out there get with your Rep. Each year we must get certified to represent plans we are going to offer as well as continue to be licensed with the state of Tennessee.  

There are a lot of options available in the Middle TN area.  We are talking about your healthcare coverage.  Make sure your coverage is right for you for 2022.  Then next Fall we will do this all over again!

H. Ben Davis, III CSA Select Pointe, LLC  615-584-4946, ben.davis@selectpointe,com

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