Make This Easter Memorable - Young and Happy Family with Children reading the Bible outside | April 2023 issue \ Nashville Christian Family Magazine

A new dress. An Easter egghunt. Easter service. 

For the Christian family, Easter is the most important day on the calendar. According to a 2021 poll, 80% of Americans celebrate Easter. What does your family do to create memories leading up to this day? What could you do to make Easter memorable and holy? 

Consider a family project. Think of the stories leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. The clearing out of money changers in the temple. The woman who poured extravagant oil over Jesus. The washing of the disciples feet. The Last Supper.

Palm Sunday. If we look closely at these stories, a lesson can be gleaned. What if your family cleaned out closets, drawers, or pesky sins? What if your family gave up something extravagant and used the money to support a ministry or missionary? What if you role-played washing each other’s feet or ate a Last Supper together? These moments reinforce Bible stories and bond your family.

Research what your church is offering during Holy Week. Some churches provide a resurrection journey where you experience Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, and the empty tomb. Some offer Easter egg hunts with the Easter story at the end. Others offer family devotions.

Read stories about the true meaning of Easter. Sally Lloyd-Jones includes several stories from Holy Week in The Jesus Storybook Bible. Picture books that share the true story of Jesus’ death and resurrection are That Grand Easter Day by Jill Roman Lord or Easter is Coming! by Tama Fortner. If you have older kids, read from the Bible.

Try a fast with your family. Alicia Chole, in her book 40 Days of Decrease, offers unique fasts for each day of Lent that deal with matters of the heart. Instead of giving up chocolate or caffeine, what if your family fasted complaining, noise(electronics buzzing or beeping), or stinginess? Gather your family to decide what you will fast, then hold each other accountable. Talk about the fast and how it changed you or how hard it was.

Attend an Easter service. If you don’t belong to a church or have watched online lately, consider attending an in-person service. One year, our family woke early for a Sunrise service (with a promise of donuts afterward). Another year we traveled for Easter and attended service at a small local church. When the kids were older, we took them to a Good Friday service. Another Easter, we hosted one of our kid’s roommates from college.And we still take pictures as everyone dresses up for the Easter service. Whatever you do, celebrate Jesus’ resurrection!

Let’s make this Easter season holy and memorable.

Sally Cressman writes about faith, family, and home on her website, You’ll receive FREE Easter family devotions when you sign up. She’d love to connect on Instagram at @sacressman

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