Is Evil Influencing Our Businesses and Careers? | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - February 2025 issue

Is Evil Influencing Our Businesses and Careers?

Part One

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6: 11

Can our businesses and careers be subject to attack by the ‘spiritual forces of evil’?  And, if so, what does that look like?

Scripture can shed some light on this subject.  We know that Job was attacked by Satan, and lost his business, his family and his home.  That is as clear a case of Satanic attack as there is. 

More subtly, we know that the Israelites, in their many seasons of falling away and worshipping strange gods, were often condemned for taking advantage of the poor and striving after money and wealth. These actions were certainly empowered by the spiritual forces of evil represented by the various false gods. Evil twisted their business to its own end.

And remember that Jesus, at the very beginning of his ministry, was subjected to Satan’s temptations.

So, we have some indications in scripture that evil can and does influence our marketplace lives. In order to examine the practical, day-to-day manifestations of evil in the marketplace, we need to rely on the experience of wise and mature Christian men and women who have striven against evil forces in the marketplace for years.

For a practical answer to the question “How do the powers of the dark world and the spiritual forces of evil war against our careers and businesses?”  here is one person’s opinion.  I see evil operating in the marketplace in these ways.

            1.  Keep them on the bench. 

Evil has removed most of the Christian businesses from the playing field and they sit comfortably on the bench.  No need to personally attack these businesses and their executives.  They have been removed from the game.

These are those thousands of Christian-owned businesses who never consider the idea that their business or career could be a ministry – a powerful force for good in the communities they serve.  These folks compartmentalize their businesses.  They think that since they attend church regularly, they can operate in the marketplace as if they had no relationship with Christ.    

This is one of Satan’s greatest ploys. By convincing millions of Christian businesspeople that their business and careers don’t matter to God, he has effectively kept them out of the game.  As a result, millions of people, across time and geography, have never been exposed to a loving God manifesting through the heart and action of a Christian employer. 

            2. Cripple them with false beliefs and paradigms.

            Certain false beliefs serve to rob a Christian business of its power in the marketplace and keeps them operating at a fraction of their potential. The forces of evil have sown some false beliefs among Christian businesspeople.  Some of these are:

            a. God isn’t interested in my business/career.

            b.  Ministry is only done under the auspices of the institutional church. So, my business is not a ministry.

            c.  If I am visible with my faith, I’ll jeopardize my business and offend people.

            d.  The obstacles to succeeding in business are too great for me to even try.

            e.  Success in business is all about making money.

            No matter how pious you are, if you hold any or any combination of these beliefs, your potential has been severely crippled by the forces that instilled those beliefs into your head. 

Until you rid yourself of these beliefs, your career/business will never reach its full potential to be a force for the kingdom.

Dave Kahle has been a Bible teacher, elder, house church leader, short-term missionary and Christian executive roundtable leader.  For 30 years, he has been an authority on sales and sales systems, having spoken in 47 states and eleven countries.  He has authored 13 books, including The Good Book on Business.  His books have been translated into eight-plus languages and are available in over 20 countries. He holds a B. of ED from the University of Toledo, and MA in Teaching from Bowling Green University.

He and Coleen split their time between Grand Rapids, Michigan and Sarasota, Florida.  He is a father, foster father, adoptive father and grandfather to 14 children.


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