Changes in Medicare for 2025

How do I enroll in Medicare?

There are several options when it comes to enrolling in Medicare –

  • Online at or  This is the easiest way if you are enrolling for Part A (hospital coverage) AND Part B (doctor coverage).  If you are eligible for Part A and are ready to get Medicare insurance (leaving individual coverage or group coverage through work) and you are over the age of 65 (with a few exceptions) the online process takes about 30 minutes.  This is done when you are 3 months or less from your 65th birthday and wanting coverage through Medicare.
  • If you already have Part A (you have your Medicare card – also known as the red/white/blue card) and want to enroll in Part B  Then you will need to go to the nearest Social Security office and personally enroll.  What is new for 2025 is you will now have to make an appointment to do that.
    They are no longer allowing ‘walk-ups” at their offices. You must call them and set up your appointment time Monday-Friday from 9 to 4.

What are the changes to Part D (prescription drugs)?

  • This year there is no more coverage gap (also known as the doughnut hole)! You have a max out of pocket of $2000 for the year.  This is met by paying your deductibles and copays for your prescriptions.  This applies for the stand-alone drug plans (PDP) and the Medicare advantage plans with drug coverage (MAPD).

Do I need something else (coverage/insurance) besides Medicare?

  • I would recommend additional coverage besides just traditional Medicare (Part A , Part B, and Part D)  Here are basically your two options in addition to Medicare:
  • Purchase a Medicare Supplement (Medi-Gap) insurance and a PDP OR
  • Purchase a Medicare Advantage Plan

It all can be very confusing and overwhelming.  May I help you?  I have over 20+years in this industry and would be glad to give you some guidance.!

H. Ben Davis III CSA (Certified Senior Advisor)  [email protected] 615-584-4946

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