Are You Ready For The Battle? by Mark W. Koch | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

Imagine, if you will, a daily awakening in a battlefield where survival hinges on combative vigilance. This is not the reality for most of us in the physical sense—yet, in a spiritual dimension, the confrontation is just as intense.

The Scriptures unfold a reality where we grapple not with flesh and blood but with the powers and principalities, with the malignant forces of darkness orchestrated by Satan himself, ceaselessly scheming our downfall (Ephesians 6:12). It reminds us starkly in Genesis 4:7 that sin lies in wait, eager to ensnare, and Peter soberly cautions us to maintain vigilance, for our adversary, the devil, roams like a voracious lion seeking prey (1 Peter 5:8). The absence of physical sight in this battle does not equate to its nonexistence.

Aware of this relentless war, God commands us to don His full armor, thus enabling us to stand resolute in the day of wickedness (Ephesians 6:13). This divine arsenal is meticulously designed for our defense and offense. It comprises the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, shoes prepared with the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, the very word of God (Ephesians 6:14-17).

The configuration of this armor is telling; it is wrought for progress, not retreat. God does not envision us as passive casualties but as proactive missionaries. His directive is unequivocal: “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

Regrettably, many believers in America are either reticent or unaware of the spiritual warfare that engulfs us. Yet, consider this—if the spiritual battle was not the paramount conflict in human history, there would have been no necessity for its most pivotal event: the incarnation, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He entered this realm to vanquish our fiercest adversary: the sin that culminates in death. Christ made His advance against darkness to reclaim the souls rightfully His, and He commissions us to perpetuate this mission in His stead.

So, I ask you: Are you prepared for today’s skirmish? Have you girded yourself with the full armor of God? Are you fortified to repel Satan’s onslaught upon you or your kin?

Let us take a moment to fortify ourselves in the Lord’s might. Arm yourself with God’s complete armor. And as you rise each morning, reaffirm this ritual, so that you might stand undaunted against the devil’s stratagems.

Mark W. Koch is an Author, inspirational and Hollywood Film Producer. To order a Free Copy of, “The First Hour” for Men 30-Day Journey, Visit and use promo code NCF

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