How To Protect Your Home From Cold Weather | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

Winter is a magical season filled with snowy landscapes and cozy moments by the fire. However, it can also be tough on your home, with colder temperatures and potential risks. The good news is that you can protect your home from winter’s chill without needing to hire a professional. In this article, we’ll explore some effective and budget-friendly ways to winter-proof your home.

Insulate Exposed Pipes:

Much like you bundle up your kids in winter clothing, your pipes need protection from the cold. Insulating any exposed pipes, especially those in unheated areas like the basement, crawlspace, attic, or garage, can prevent water from freezing and pipes from bursting. This insulation is readily available at your local hardware store and is easy to install yourself.

Spigot Covers:

Take a stroll around your home’s exterior and inspect outdoor faucets, also known as spigots. Investing in foam or plastic spigot covers is a wise move. These covers prevent icy drafts from entering through the spigots. Without them, frozen water left in the pipes can damage both the spigot and connected piping. Spigot covers are cost-effective and serve as a crucial defense against winter plumbing damage.

Keep a Water Drip:

While a leaky faucet may not be good news under normal circumstances, it can be your ally when temperatures plummet. Keeping a small, steady drip of water running from an interior faucet is an excellent way to prevent frozen pipes. Moving water is less prone to freezing than standing water. Worried about wasting water? Catch it in a bucket for other household tasks like watering plants.

Inspect Windows and Doors:

To keep your home warm and energy-efficient, examine windows and doors for air leaks. Fill any gaps with caulk or apply weatherstripping as needed to prevent cold drafts and retain warm air inside. Additionally, consider investing in window insulation kits, which are plastic coverings that enhance insulation during the winter months.

When in Doubt, Call a Professional:

If you encounter issues beyond your DIY capabilities or require professional assistance, don’t hesitate to contact a trusted service provider. Lee Company can handle various winter-related tasks, including frozen pipe repair and HVAC system tune-ups, ensuring your home remains cozy and well-maintained during the season.

If you need help winter-proofing your home, visit us online at Stay warm, safe, and worry-free!

Your Lee Company Home Services Team

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