Learning and Growing Through Suffering | Nashville Christian Family magazine - November 2023

I remember the first time I came across the scriptures on suffering in Hebrews, Chapter 12.  Despite my heaviness in what I was going through, I was lifted up by knowing “whom God loves, He chastens,” (v6).  I thought, well at least God is loving me through this and believing his work is not in vain; and if I can “endure chastening God will deal with me as a son” (v7).  No one wants to suffer, and let’s face it, there’s no pleasure in it.  I’m grateful that I’m seeing suffering in the proper perspective now, knowing and believing God holds purpose behind it.  God works in mysterious ways.  He says in his word, “do not despise suffering” (v5) and that he, (God), “chastens us for our own profit that we may be partakers of his own holiness” (v10).  Well, praise God for that.

There are different kinds of suffering.  For example, there can be persecution and trials in being mocked, jeered or even hated for being a Christian and lover of Jesus.  However, praise the Lord, there is great reward for this, my friend (see Luke 6:22-23).  There is also physical suffering which can be heartbreaking; not only for the person suffering but for family members, too, who endure alongside us and hate to see the suffering taking place.  There is also the suffering we, ourselves, are solely responsible for.  Suffering can be a consequence of sin and not following God’s ways. This has a kind of double suffering to it.  First, the suffering itself and then the realization that one actually caused the pain themselves.  Ouch!  But better to suffer for righteousness sake (the pruning process) then for unrepentant sin that leads to death.

Certainly, as followers of Jesus, we can recall a time when we veered from God’s way and order of things and paid a heavy price for it.  Unfortunately, I’m familiar with this type of suffering.  There are some popular scriptures specifically for marriage.  One such scripture is Eph 5:25, which says, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;”  Ok men, how are we really doing in this area?  “Knowing” the command isn’t merely enough, brothers, but it’s in the “doing” that we will reap the respect and healthy marriages we yearn for with our wives.  

I’m compelled to share a deep lesson the Lord has been teaching me with the hope of helping to keep other men on the narrow path that leads to life and happiness.  Two important scriptures come to mind:  One, James 1:22, be a “doer” of the word.  And, Phil 4:9, that my wife referred me to, when Paul says, these things you have learned and received in me, “do” and the God of peace shall be with you.  There’s tremendous blessing in this wisdom.  On a good note, I’ve identified things I don’t want any part of, and do not help me fulfill God’s command of me.  I can say ashamedly that allowing shallowness, pride and lack of intimacy to rule has not helped me to love my wife like Jesus loves the church.  I am learning the importance of sacrificial behavior and self(less)ness, which is Christ’s model to his bride.  God bless my beautiful wife for putting up with my unloving ways and taking a stand for me to learn how to walk in God’s perfect order.

Our favorite saying is, Love Wins.  I was so grateful when we went to Goodwill the other day and my wife found a beautiful shirt with “Love Wins” on the front.  Remember, no chastening is ever joyful while in the moment, but afterwards it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness (see

Heb 12:11).  Whatever trial or suffering you may be going through, remember, God will not forsake you and you may come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in your time of need (Heb 4:16).  If you know of someone you’d love to bless with a custom video memorial, song or poem, feel free to contact me.  A life is special and worth cherishing forever.

David Young, We Make Memories , [email protected] -(615) 881-5888

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