Unplanned Grandparenting - Pregnant woman holding small teddy bear | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - Free Christian Magazine

In 1978, the United States Congress passed legislation proclaiming the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day. Therefore, this year we will celebrate Grandparents’ Day on September 11th. I am thankful that there is a joyous reason to celebrate on 9/11 and we in no way want to disrespect or under value the other significant experiences our country has been impacted by on 9/11.

Becoming a grandparent usually happens years after a child graduates high school, completes college, dates, get married and then gets pregnant with a child. When these circumstances happen out of sequence or in another timeline, it can create a very surprising and quite often confusing situation.

For the families in our community that find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy, this would include the young lady and young man as well as their biological parents, siblings, and their church families. Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, we as the church, and as community at large need to be the arms and feet of Jesus to young women and men when faced with an unplanned pregnancy.

The first place to point them is to a local pregnancy care center. In middle Tennessee there are several amazing locations that are there to walk alongside a young lady and her partner from pre-birth through their child’s third and sometimes fourth year of life! They offer parenting classes, baby boutiques and boundless resources like diapers, car seats, clothing and maternity related items as well. When a young couple walks into a pro-life and pro-love pregnancy center, they will be surrounded by kind and supportive people who can help them discuss and create a gameplan on what to do next. Sometimes, the first step is to tell their parents. Sometimes, the first step is to figure out how to organize their educational goals to ensure they can continue to pursue and accomplish all they have desired to do around the considerations of the baby. Sometimes, it is simply to find out if they are truly pregnant.

If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy, please reach out and don’t go through it alone. For the parents, becoming an “unplanned grandparent” can be overwhelming and can even come with some components of loss and grief. However, once you hold that little baby for the first time, once you realize this child comes from your genealogy and carries your DNA in its little body, it comes with an overwhelming sense of love and joy that always outweighs the fear and confusion. You may be facing some hard decisions about what to do next. More than anything, please remember this is a time your child needs your unconditional love and support, your patience and kindness. The baby is a beautiful gift and comes with a specific purpose and plan for his/her life. The options to parent the child, to get married, to co-parent or to consider the loving choice of adoption are important discussions you will want to be part of as your child and his/her partner explore the future. You don’t have to figure it all out at Day One. Just take one step at a time and again, please don’t go through the journey alone.

For more information, contact Tammy and Jay Daughtry at www.CoParentingInternational.com

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