We all have that one neighbor or friend, the moment you enter their home you hear -“Take Off Your Shoes. Please”!. And like the gracious guest you are, you may oblige. But you have to wonder…is it all really necessary? After all, they’re just shoes! Well, as it turns out, not only does wearing shoes inside your home bring in those pesky, outdoor germs, but it also tracks in unwanted dirt and can cause damage to your flooring. In this article, we’ll review the reasons why you shouldn’t wear shoes past your front door.  

Reduce Germs  

Did you know there are possibly over 420,000 bacteria living on the outside of your shoes? And as much as we try, we can’t avoid them completely. But you can help reduce the spread of germs in your home by taking off your shoes when you walk inside. Research has shown that the outside of your shoes can be a carrier for a variety of microbes like viruses and bacteria. Many people are unaware that when wearing shoes for more than a month, there is a better than 93% chance those shoes will have some form of fecal bacteria on the bottom of them. And if you aren’t checking your shoes at the front door, those microbes can rub off on any surface they come in contact with throughout your home. If you have small children crawling around the house, that makes this fact even more concerning.  

So, if your goal is to keep your living area as clean as possible, it’s a good idea to establish a routine that includes taking off shoes at the front door. This alone will help reduce the spread of a variety of different germs and potentially harmful bacteria. . 

Minimize Dirt 

Drop the broom and put away the vacuum! By leaving your shoes at the front door, you’re minimizing the amount of dirt, grime, and other debris that gets tracked and deposited throughout your house. This means you’ll spend less time cleaning up! Especially during the summer and winter months when rain, sleet, or snow can create a muddy situation that requires additional cleaning. Although dirt isn’t necessarily a health risk on its own, you’ll probably want to keep it to a minimum if you have small children who like to play on the floor. 

Need help taking care of cleaning your home?  Call the experts at Molly Maid today to schedule an appointment at 615-794-0200 or 615-603-3766,today https://www.mollymaid.com/s-davidson-williamson-maury-counties/about-us/contact-us/    We’re Maid for This!

Ashley Farrar

Ms. Molly Foundation

A portion of Molly Maid’s sales support victims of domestic violence in the communities we serve. To date, Ms. Molly has proudly raised more than $3 million – and we are not slowing down! This non-profit organization aims to increase public awareness of domestic violence and to provide victims with support. We believe everyone deserves to feel safe in their homes. The Ms. Molly Foundation strives to empower communities to end the cycle of violence in the home. It’s our goal to help give victims of domestic violence a second chance at happiness.

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