Transforming the Lives of Men | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

Men’s lives all across the Nation are being “Completely Transformed” through The First Hour for Men 30-day journey. Miracles are happening in the lives of men who are earnestly seeking God and spending their first hour with Him Daily!

The Bible tells us that God wants to bless our lives in ways that we cannot imagine. He wants to fulfill “His Dream” for our lives. So many times we miss God’s best because we don’t give Him the opportunity to guide and direct us on a Daily Bas

The First Hour Commitment

I believe that you will begin what will be the most incredible 30-day journey of your life when you begin the book.  I truly believe this book is a gift from God to you and I pray that you will make a solid decision to follow the three commitments outlined at the beginning.

  1. I commit to giving God my first hour each morning for the next thirty days by completing the journey.
  2. I commit to follow all of the seven simple steps that make up the First Hour 30-day program
  3. When I experience “dramatic changes” in my life after completing The First Hour, I commit to doing my part in “The Great Commission” by sharing the book with a minimum of four other men; two fellow Christian brothers and two men that I feel do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The First Hour Objectives

By the end of the 30-day journey, and if you earnestly seek God with all of your heart each morning, I am convinced that you will experience the following:

You WILL have developed a more intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

You WILL have a more clear and better understanding of God’s will and purpose in and for your life.

You WILL have achieved a closer relationship with your wife, your children and your friends.

You WILL have attained a higher self-esteem.

You WILL feel healthier and be more physically fit.

You WILL be on your way to becoming the man God Intended you to be.

May God bless you abundantly!

Mark W. Koch – Mark is an author, speaker and Hollywood Film Producer.  He has produced sever A list films including the number one box office hit “Lost In Space”.  Dedicating his life to God, he is now committed to speading the message of Jesus Christ through faith based global media, including books and feature films.

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