Are You Ready For The Battle? by Mark W. Koch | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

Psalm 145


The Lord is good to all. God has compassion on all that He has made. He made everything for His purpose. We should live confidently knowing that we are God’s purpose…and that goodness and mercy will follow us each day of our lives on earth preparing us for eternity with the Lord. Let’s thank Him and believe the Truth.


Lord, we thank You for our blessings…as we count them again and again. You gave us life. You have given…and given…and given each moment since we came from our mother’s womb. We are here now because of Your continuous giving…providing each breath…each heartbeat…each opportunity. Where would we be without You? We know that we know that we know. We would not be in this world Lord if not for You. 

Lord Jesus, thank You for the air that we breathe. Thank You each thing we would call our own…as we PRAISE YOU…PRAISE YOU. We just marvel as we humbly THANK YOU. Thank You for listening to our prayer of thanksgiving…and of praise. AMEN. AMEN.

Ralph E. Vuaghn

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