Mission Makers | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

“I had become a new mother. My child’s father was in and out, and he ended up getting violent and so that completely erased him out of the picture. I went from being a mom expecting to have a two parent household raising a loving child to not being able to afford my apartment with this new baby.” Without a local support system, and no way to move back to her hometown, she reached out to The Salvation Army Pathway of Hope program. “Now I’m working on becoming a doula and a childbirth educator, and so they’re helping me find these partnerships… find my voice…find courses that allowed me for me to understand entrepreneurship.”

Through individualized goal setting and case management, families like Morgan’s face a much brighter future with a community to support them. “It is nice to not have to bear the burden alone in a world of all that loss, and to have this as a constant support that no matter what I was going through, I could have somebody to call and somebody to tell me that it was gonna be OK and somebody to let me know that they were here to listen, to provide that financial support, to provide mentorship and guidance…it has been life changing. I was on the ledge and if it wasn’t for the Salvation Army, I probably would have jumped. I am very thankful just because I probably wouldn’t be alive without them.”

Misty Ratcliff, Development and Communications Manager – The Salvation Army Nashville Area Command, uss.salvationarmy.org 

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