God's Ways are Not Our Ways - Teachable moments - God's Way is the Best Way | Nashville Christian Family Magazine August 2023 issue - free Christian magazine

2 Samuel 24

ASK…can PRIDE become a sin?

There is a MAJOR difference between “self-intellectual” wisdom and Godly wisdom. Even a PhD or Rocket Scientist can be foolish if he/she does not know God…and does not seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit. 

Our Scripture reference is about King David deciding to have a census taken of all potential soldiers in the Kingdom of Israel, despite objection from his military leaders. The King’s words ruled. A census was taken. David was shown by the Lord the error of his judgment…and then the King confessed/repented to God…realizing the Lord is Absolute Wisdom rather that human conventional wisdom.

From this true story…can we see clearly how human PRIDE can conflict with Godly wisdom?  David saw it as SIN…and then repented to God. Read the story.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for being the Absolute Authority on wisdom, beauty, creativity…and Your ways are higher than our ways. You made EVERYTHING and therefore know what is best for us as we grow further into maturity…spiritually, emotionally and even physically. 

Lord Jesus, please forgive us for thinking more highly of ourselves than we should…recognizing You are our BOSS…as Creator, Savior and Lord. Lead us today with a measure of Your wisdom, love and righteousness. We pray in Your Name. Let it be.

Ralph E. Vaughn

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