Heartbeat image - Familiy Matters - Matters of the Heart - Free Issue of the Nashville Christian Family magazine - Free Christian Magazine

Valentine’s Day, without a doubt, is one of my favorite days to celebrate. It is full of hearts, love and perhaps even a little chocolate.

The Bible has so much to say about love as well as our heart.  “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Matthew 12:34).

Think of this as a glass being filled to overflowing – Whatever the glass is full of will begin to spill out; so, it is with our heart.  Whatever fills our heart will automatically spill out. We have all heard the phrase, GIGO: garbage in, garbage out.  Think of the sweetest people you know?  They cannot help but be kind. 

There have been intensive studies done in the last twenty years on the science behind happiness. And we know that the Bible tells us, “A merry heart does good like medicine.” (Proverbs 17:22).  The bottom line, happy people have less stress and less sickness.  We get to choose what we are putting in our hearts. Spend your thoughts with good thoughts.  Spend your time with positive people.

Author Jim Rohn, a professional entrepreneur and motivational speaker famously said, “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.”  What is filling your heart?  Are you one of the “positive” 1/5 of your friends and family or would they count you as a “negative Nancy”?

Proverbs 4:23 tells us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”.  It is more important than ever to stay intentional, almost vigilant about focusing on good and staying away from negativity. 

Not only do we celebrate our hearts on Valentine’s Day, but it is also a day to celebrate love.  The two really do go together.  We can look at the Bible as a giant love letter to us from God.  After all, the author of love is God.  It was His idea.  It is the motivation behind everything He has done and will do for us.  For God SO LOVED, He gave.  (John 3:16).  God’s love for us in unconditional – there is nothing we can do that will make God stop loving us.  We are the object of His affection.   

Focus on the love of God and let that fill your heart.  Celebrate His goodness and even savor a piece of chocolate as well! 

Lots of love! Happy Valentine’s Day!   

Rhonda Smart, [email protected]

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