A Biblical Principal For Your Nutrition | Nashville Christian Family Magazine September 2023 issue - free Christian magazine

There are many different opinions on how often we should eat a meal nowadays. Should we eat 3 times a day, 6 times a day, or should we do fasting? I believe that depending on your goals your routine for eating may look different. Which is ok! Just because something works for someone else doesn’t mean that will work for you. I do believe that there is one principle for eating that we as Christians can implement specific to our routine that is Biblical and also good for our body. It is called fasting. We must understand the Biblical principle of fasting and how it can be a great practice for us physically and Spiritually.

The first thing to understand is that there are times for fasting and times for feasting. Fasting and feasting at the right time is key to living in balance. We tend to feast all of the time. We are continually eating and celebrating. Don’t get me wrong, I love celebration and I LOVE good food. There is nothing wrong with feasting as long as it is at the right time. Feasting and fasting balance each other in such a great way and can be used to benefit our health.

In Luke 5: 33-35, Jesus is questioned about why his disciples do not fast. Fasting was very common back in those days and was often done in a legalistic way so that the participant could look more spiritual to others. Jesus replies to these questions by asking a question ­– “Can you make the friends of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them; then they will fast in those days.”. Jesus explains that there is a time for fasting and a time for feasting. If we do each of these in the right timing, there will be great joy and reward.

When you feast, make your feasting about others. Whether it’s enjoying something someone made you, or making something you know someone else will enjoy, use feasting as a way to bring people together, instead of making it primarily about ourselves and getting what we want.

Fasting can be a tremendous asset to our lives. The biblical principle of fasting is throughout the bible. Not only is it good for our spirit, it turns out that there is a massive benefit to our health as well. Historically, our ancestors have fasted for thousands of years, many of them by necessity. Our bodies’ ability to store up energy for later has been a key in how humans have survived throughout history. We have not always had an abundant supply of food like we do in America. People had to fast until they could find and kill their next meal. Now current studies are showing us all of the benefits that fasting can bring to our body. Fasting can help give our digestive

system a rest so that it can process food efficiently. It can help our bodies be efficient at regulating blood sugar by making sure we are not insensitive to insulin and glucagon, which means no more blood sugar crashes. Fasting can even help us fight sickness by making sure all of our energy goes to keeping us healthy instead of continually digesting food.

Overall, fasting is a tool that God has given us. It may be helpful to try implementing intermittent fasting into your weekly routine once or twice. Do your research to find a routine that will work for you and your goals and always make sure to check with your Dr to make sure you are being safe!

Ashton Tate Founder, Glory to Glory Fitness
615-636-3370 | glorytogloryfitness.com [email protected]
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