Dr. Jae | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - Free Christian Magazine

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been making it’s way into more media headlines, as numerous professional athletes are turning to the treatment option for their injures.  The question on so many minds is:

“Can it work for me?”

PRP is a treatment that uses a patient’s own blood cells to accelerate healing in a specific area.  Using advanced techniques, white blood cells and bioactive proteins, called growth factors, and stem cell markers can be concentrated.  This concentration can then be injected into the damaged area for tissue regeneration and repair.  PRP signals for stem cells and regenerative cells to initiate a process called the healing cascade, that can be active for a 4-6 week period after each injection.  Many patients notice reduced pain, increased strength, accelerated healing, and overall improvement in function following treatment.

While PRP can be used with a multitude of musculoskeletal conditions, it is most commonly being utilized for pain in the knees, shoulders, hips, back, and neck.  Many are choosing this minimally invasive option because it has less risks and side effects when compared to surgery or steroid injections and offers patients minimal to no downtime.  Because the treatment is from the patient’s own blook, there is no danger of reactions, rejections, and little to no risk factors from the procedure. 

For years, athletes have been choosing PRP treatments to avoid surgery and pain medications while rapidly advancing healing times. In recent years, because of advancements in technology, PRP is now widely available, and an affordable option, for the average American; however, before you sign up for PRP injections, there are some things you should know.

What You Should Know

1) Secondary conditions and compensations can impact the effectiveness of your treatment. Many individuals are seeking treatment after years

of dealing with pain. By that time, their bodies have learned to compensate or favor the damaged tissues. Specific treatments (sometimes just stretches and exercises) need to be determined for the compensations, not just the painful parts.

2) The precision of the injection is an incredibly important factor.  In highly damaged joints, such as a bone-on-bone knee, it can be very difficult to find the narrow joint space. Technologies, such as fluoroscopy, used during the procedure can make a world of difference in the overall outcome.

3) Diet matters. Because the concentration of PRP is coming from

the patient’s blood, those who want the best possible results will

want to eliminate inflammatory foods from their diet before the

procedure; furthermore, avoiding cigarettes, excessive alcohol

intake, and other drugs can improve the quality of the injections.

4) Patients need to be prepared to get enough injections to address

the severity of the damaged tissue. While some experience

relief after just one, significantly damaged tissues can require

three or more injections to get the results they are looking for.

PRP has proven to be a wonderful option for many dealing with

pain. Find a qualified physician who will evaluate your condition

and be able to offer you the treatment options to address your

individual concerns.

John Fleet

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