Vegan Diet & Nutrition | April 2022 Issue - Free Christian Lifestyle Magazine | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

A monthly column on diet, exercise and my weight loss journey.

Over the last few months, there has been no shortage of news crossing my desk having to do with weight loss.  Here’s just a few reports I thought you would find interesting.


You know that prunes can keep you regular, and now research finds that prunes can help you lose weight, too. In a three-month study, published in the Nutrition Bulletin, people who ate 14 prunes daily lost an average of 4.4 pounds more than people who did not eat prunes. The dried plum eaters also felt less hungry, and that losing weight was easier.


Imagine you have a glass of water and a plate of chicken, broccoli, and mushrooms. Would it be better to eat it as it is, or blend it all together and drink it? Not many people choose the latter. But a study from the Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre found when people who drank the blended “soup,” it kept them from feeling hungry for about an hour longer than the whole-food meal.


One of the best ways to lose weight, according to Texas University researchers, is to look in the mirror two or three times a day. People who do that reduced body image problems, which in turn, allowed them to successfully follow a diet plan.

Now, while all these tips and tricks are interesting food for thought, you and I both know that nothing is going to change without taking deliberate action and going it alone is hard.  Do you need some extra help in your diet and exercise goals?  Let me point you to the people that helped me lose 65 pounds in 16 weeks – the staff at Cool Springs MD.  Dr Lodge and his team of personal trainers, dieticians and medical professionals are ready to help you with their stated goal for everyone to be “Happy, Healthy and Whole”

What has helped you lose weight?  Any tips you would like to share?  I welcome your feedback, thoughts and ideas and look forward to sharing them in a future article.  You can email me at [email protected] or feel free to call me during my live radio show – weekdays between 3 pm – 7 pm on 94 FM The Fish. (800) 826-3637

Doug Griffin

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