I love how the Bible is so simple and yet so profound. When studying Ecclesiastes, I came upon verse 11 in Chapter 10.
“If a snake bites before you charm it, what’s the use of being a snake charmer?”
This verse is so rich in wisdom and can be applied to many areas in our life. The bottom line, we may know the truth; we may represent light but what good does it do us if we do not let it affect the outcomes in our life? What good does it do for a person to call himself a “snake charmer” yet ends up getting bit by the very snake he is trying to charm?
We are called to put our “money where our mouth is”. If we say we love others, then we must love. If we say we are Christians, then our actions must match what we say. There should be proof.
Many times, when religion has gotten involved, Christians hold themselves to a “rule book” instead of allowing what Jesus did on the cross to make a stark difference.
To take this idea one step further, if we confess that we are a Christian and yet our life is no different than our non-Christian neighbors, we are essentially getting “bit by the snake before it is charmed”. If we go to bed at night with the same fears, experience sickness, or view death the same way as our non-believing neighbors, “being a Christian” is not making a difference in our circumstances.
Jesus’ death on the cross did not only save us from Hell, but His death also saved us from sickness, poverty, and disease. He has promised a peace that passes understanding. How do these profound truths show up in your life?
Colossians 1:13, “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves”.
The world needs to see more than a laundry list of rules of “dos and don’ts”. It is time that Christians’ lives mirror the full evidence of the goodness of God and behave differently than world. Make sure we are “charming snakes before we get bit”.
Rhonda Smart, [email protected]