Lives Changed Through the Programs of The Salvation Army: Meet Aeron | Nashville Christian Family Magazine September 2023 issue - free Christian magazine

Aeron was a resident of the Riverchase Apartments in Nashville. After new owners purchased the complex, they gave everyone notice – their leases would not be renewed and they would be tearing down the apartments in several months time. The developer partnered with The Salvation Army to ensure all residents would have assistance in finding new homes before the buildings closed forever.

Aeron says, “I’m not from here. I’m from Flint, MI, so I really don’t know Nashville like that…without the Salvation Army, it would have been like quite difficult to find somewhere.”

Salvation Army housing navigators worked with Aeron and the other residents to both locate potential apartments and help them with their applications. “The Salvation Army actually had a list of places for me to go like…at least three pages long. Without them, I wouldn’t have known where to start looking. I still would have been lost. Everything that we needed or had questions about, they there to assist,” he said.

It was hard for Aeron to find the time and funds to track down new apartments due to his work schedule, but the Salvation Army was able to take care of so much of the details and fees.

“Without the Salvation Army. I would have been lost. I would just say I recommend anyone that wants to go through Salvation Army…if you have any doubts or questions. Just come up and just talk to them. They’re more than willing to talk to you and help you.”

Misty Ratcliff, Development and Communications Manager, The Salvation Army, Nashville Area Command –

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