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It’s 2025 and many of us are thinking about setting goals and New Year’s Resolutions.

Invariably we come up with plans to save money, eat healthier, and spend more time with family and friends. One year a Bridges guest challenged to me swap the New Year’s Resolution idea with asking myself this question – what do I need to leave behind? I thought it was a loaded question BUT I learned that it had the potential to yield incredible life changing results.

Are there habits, attitudes, toxic relationships that need to go? What about self-doubt and worry? Do you want to stop second guessing yourself and end negative self-talk? Do you (or I) want to bring any of that into a brand-new year? Of course we don’t. So how do we stop holding on to the practices that don’t serve us well?

There is no “magic sauce” but there are principles that will lead us to freedom.

Let’s consider these principles as we enter 2025.




Unplug? Sound impossible? How can anyone “unplug” with all of the devices and technology in this world? I didn’t say it would be easy, but I will say that unplugging enables us to disconnect from the endless stream of information and reconnect with yourself and loved ones. If you unplug before bedtime, you may find that your quality of sleep improves. Experts say that even 15 minutes a day away from devices can help bring you peace and clarity. Can you leave behind your devices for just 15 minutes a day?

Uncover. What if you committed to leave behind living by the “busy badge” and traded it for living to uncover the truths found in God’s Word. Renewing your mind and changing the way you think comes by reading and living by God’s Word. Some more good news here is that experts say that people who read the Bible 4 times per week consistently are happier and make better decisions. Can you leave behind “busy” 4 days a week consistently to read God’s Word knowing that by doing so you’ll find what really matters?

Upgrade. We’ve all found ourselves in a rut every now and then. How about we skip the rut this year and head straight for the upgrade. The upgrade that happens when we leave behind the relationships and things that no longer serve us well. The time we invest unplugging and uncovering will help us decide what we need to leave behind. Sometimes taking the time to review James 3:17 helps us find the answers to what we need to leave behind.

But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.

James 3:17 NLT

Is this relationship/decision pure?

Is gentleness a hallmark of this relationship/decision?

Is this relationship/decision based on sincerity?

When we decide to leave behind the things and relationships that no longer serve us well, we are on our way to the freedom that God desires for each of us.

Today’s Secret from the Studio:

When you find what you need to leave behind – you discover the freedom you’ve been dreaming about.  Monica Schmelter is the host of Bridges on the Christian Television Network. Bridges airs in more than 50 million homes as well as streaming platforms and on demand. Monica and her husband live in Murfreesboro, TN. They have one son and recently welcomed a beautiful daughter i

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