God's Word Is Already Settled | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

Psalm 119:89 (NKJV), “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven”.  Everything Jesus did for us, He did it on the cross.  He settled sickness while he hung on the cross.  1 Peter 2:24b, “By whose stripes ye were healed”. 

Our bodies may present contrary information.  This is where we either believe what the Bible tells us, or we believe how we “feel”.  This is the essence of faith.  “Let God be true and every man a liar”.  God’s word has been settled!

It is difficult to believe otherwise if our body is in pain or showing signs of sickness.  As faith followers, we do not pretend that we are not sick and hope that it goes away.  We can acknowledge the sickness but in the same breath, realize that it has no right to invade our body, and it is trespassing.  Do not bring it in and let it set up shop   It becomes a fight.  “The violent take it by storm”. Do not give up and give in – keep fighting for what Jesus already did for you on the cross.

All healings are good and there is not a wrong way to be healed.  We have seen people get delivered immediately from sickness and then other times, it may be a slow process.  While Christ has come for all to destroy the works of Satan – the healing process is not necessarily, “one size fits all”.  each walk of faith is personal and individual.  Thankfully, God’s grace meets us where we are. 

Why is it that well meaning Christians fight for their right to be sick and not accept what Jesus did on the cross nor believe that all healings are our “God-given” right?  It is sometimes easier to accept the sickness than to believe otherwise.  If they have not experienced healing personally, they perhaps believe it doesn’t exist.  It is easy to allow personal experiences and personal knowledge to go above the Word of God.

If God said it, it is true.  If it is in the Bible, it is true.  Instead of finding ways to support sickness, step out and faith and believe the Word of God – it has already been settled.

This Christmas season, enjoy all the gifts that God has given you!  God’s Word has already been settled in heaven.  Now enjoy it on earth!

Merry Christmas!  Rhonda Smart, [email protected]

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