Secrets from the Studio with Monica Schmelter v

The Perfect Father

Mike was the first man that ever cried on the Bridges set. He was sharing the story of his family. For many years Mike’s dad was a pastor, and their family was close, happy, and healthy. Until they weren’t.

One day a routine visit to the doctor ended in a cancer diagnosis for Mike’s younger sister Sue. Despite the medical treatment and prayers Sue left this earth for heaven at just 8 years old. The family was understandably overwhelmed with the loss and grief. Somehow in the sea of tears the loss and grief took over. Mike’s dad ended up renouncing the Christian faith – he left his family and his church.

Mike shared how his family was never the same. Father’s Day no longer held special meaning. While Mike’s mom continued in the Christian faith and raised her children to do so – they never quite recovered from the rejection they experienced when Mike’s dad left the family.

Many Tears Spilled

Over the years on the Bridges set many tears have spilled over father’s that left or were just never in the picture. The loss of that leadership role leaves families aching and wishing that somehow their story could have been different.

Thankfully, there have also been heartwarming stories about the power of a father’s love and care. Take Brad for example who works two jobs to be sure that his children can go to college. There are many fathers who love and make sacrifices for their family every single day. It’s these kinds of stories that encourage our hearts and give us so much to celebrate on Father’s Day.

One thing my Bridges guests have made clear is that whether their father was the hero of the year or not – the love of our Heavenly Father makes all the difference. Our earthly fathers (regardless of how godly) aren’t perfect. None of us bring perfection to the table. But what we can lean into is that our Heavenly Father’s love makes up for all deficiencies.

Speak Louder than What Happened to Us?

That doesn’t mean we won’t ever bear a scar or shed a tear. But it does mean we can live healthy Christian lives because of what Jesus Christ has done for each one of us. It begins with the commitment to let what God has done for us speak louder than what has happened to us.

It also means forgiving our earthly fathers. Whether their failure/s were large or small. Forgiveness brings healing and freedom. Forgiveness flows from the cross and the power to forgive or be forgiven is ours for the asking. We are never closer to the nature and character of Christ than when we forgive someone that has sinned against us.

Will You Receive His Unconditional Love?

Father’s Day may bring you joy or pain. But when we choose to accept His unconditional love and promise that He will never leave or forsake us we can rest in His love, forgiveness and grace. God’s gift to each of us on this Father’s Day holiday is the assurance that we are loved unconditionally and that in Christ our future is secure.

Today’s Secret from the Studio: We are never closer to the nature and character of Christ than when we forgive someone that has sinned against us.

Monica Schmelter is the host of Bridges on Christian Television Network. She is the recipient of the Women in Film and Television, Industry Cornerstone Award. When she’s not in the studio she enjoys spending time with her husband Joe and adult son (also named Joe) and says much of her life can be described as “me and my two Joes”. You can watch Bridges on demand by visiting

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