Smiling lady and young boy | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

Meet Latoyar

Latoyar came to The Salvation Army through our Pathway of Hope program that assists families stuck in generational poverty break the cycle. “I’m a single parent and I have four boys at home and it’s a struggle. It’s an everyday struggle. It’s a struggle with food sometimes, and getting the bills covered at times.”

But once she was in the Pathway of Hope program she was provided with resources and classes to help her build a better future for her children. “The different classes that I could attend were amazing. We did a financial program where I was interacting with a financial advisor, and I set up goals with them. They have a cooking class that I not only took part in, but I taught one as well, which helped out the other mothers.”

At Christmas time, her youngest children were on the Angel Tree. “He got trucks and toys and books, and other learning stuff that he can learn with. It took a lot of stress off of me because I didn’t have to worry about the little ones so much for Christmas and I could kind of focus on my other teen son because of the generosity of the community.”

Misty Ratcliff, Development and Communications Manager – The Salvation Army Nashville Area Command, 

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