the Home Front | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

As the vibrant colors of spring unfold, many homeowners are reminded of the essential maintenance tasks that winter postponed. In Tennessee, the mild spring temperatures are a prelude to the intense summer heat, making this season the perfect time to prepare homes for the warmer months ahead. A key aspect of this preparation is ensuring that the air conditioning unit is in prime condition, ready to offer respite from the summer’s swelter.

One of the most disheartening experiences for a homeowner is to turn on the AC during the season’s first heatwave only to be greeted by warm air. Regular maintenance is crucial in avoiding this discomfort and ensuring the unit functions efficiently when it’s needed the most. Here are five proactive steps to enhance the performance of your air conditioning system this spring:

Clear Debris Around the AC Unit: It’s essential to ensure that there’s enough space around your HVAC unit to allow it to “breathe.” Overgrown vegetation or debris like fallen branches can obstruct airflow and reduce efficiency.

Schedule an Annual HVAC Inspection: Professionals from Lee Company can conduct a thorough inspection and tune-up of your unit before you need to use it. These tune-ups include cleaning condensers and coils, testing wiring, capacitors, and both interior and exterior units. With a 22-point inspection, Lee Company ensures that every detail of maintenance is covered, boosting your unit’s longevity and efficiency.

Replace or Clean Air Filters: The same filters are used for both heating and air conditioning, and they can get clogged over time. Spring is the ideal time to check and replace these filters if you haven’t done so during winter. Regular changes every three months are recommended to maintain optimal airflow and system efficiency.

Inspect Vents and Ducts: Ensure all air vents are open and unblocked by furniture or curtains. Closed vents can impede airflow and overwork the system.

Adjust Thermostat Settings: After a professional tune-up, confirm that your thermostat settings are adjusted for the upcoming heat. Programmable thermostats can be set to match your daily schedule, ensuring comfort while also conserving energy and reducing costs.

Taking these steps not only prepares your home for summer but also prevents the frustration of repairs during peak season. To further simplify home maintenance and save on costs, consider enrolling in Lee Company’s Home Maintenance Plan. This plan includes regular inspections and tune-ups, ensuring that your home’s critical systems remain in excellent condition throughout the year.

The Lee Company Team

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