Woman sitting in a wheelchair by a curtained window | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - Free Christian Magazine

Q: During the holiday season I visited my relatives and found one relative is not doing too well.  What is something I can share with them to help them care for our family member who is living with a disability?

A: My suggestion to you is to talk with the family about establishing a third-party supplemental needs trust, for your family member living with a disability. Each of you can contribute monetary gifts to this type of special needs trust.  This money will be used to provide a better quality of life for your family member. Each family member can add information in their will, for an inheritance to be added to the trust, upon their death.  This money is exempt from being counted as an asset, thus allowing the family member to qualify or maintain government benefits for health-related needs and basic day-to-day necessities. 

Darlene A. Kemp, MPH, MBA-HCM, Executive Director  – Vista Points Special Needs Trusts, www.vistapoints.org – 888-422-4076

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