Circle | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

I first saw this quote on a poster in my son’s office (Principal of a Christian High School in Montana) two years ago, my thought was WOW, how incredibly prophetic and sadly true. This is where America’s public education system is now.

My next thought was, what am I as a Christian doing about this? In my observation it seems like often we are good at identifying the problem, but not so good at then finding and implementing a solution. For me, it was time to do something. I started discussing Christian education and specifically classical Christian education (CCE) with my son. The more I learned about classical Christian education the more sense it made, and I started down the path of discovering what it would take to start a classical Christian school.

At about the same time, several other parents and grandparents were thinking Chapel Hill, TN would benefit from a Christian school and a task group was formed. After joining the Association of Classical Christian Schools, and following their direction and guidance, Philos Classical Christian School (PCCS) was incorporated as non-profit in September 2023, with a planned opening in August 2024. Initially starting with grades PreK-3, adding a grade each year.

As I attended various conferences on starting a Christian school, one common theme was prevalent: that we were to be certain God is in this endeavor and trust HIM in his direction through His sovereign will. Fortunately, we have numerous mentors who not only provide necessary guidance for starting the school, but they too are trusting  God’s sovereign will in that guidance. This was one of those things where when God is calling you to action, you KNOW it.

In preparation of opening in August of this year and to raise awareness about CCE, PCCS is hosting a Kick-Off Event March 12, 2024, at Rory Feek’s Homestead Hall, Columbia. (see ad) The featured speaker is Pete Hegseth (Fox and Friends Weekend).

Pete Co-wrote “Battle for the American Mind” with David Goodwin, in which they outline with facts and data how the public education system has disintegrated to where it is today. It didn’t start with Covid, but rather over 100 years ago! First with the progressives and then the Marxists. And what I so appreciate in this book is that they offer a SOLUTION. Classical Christian Education!

If you are a parent with young children, or grandparent, or just concerned about public education, and want to learn more about classical Christian education and how it benefits your family, community, and country, or you simply would like hear Pete or meet him, please join us at the kickoff event March 12!

Information and tickets are available at

You might be thinking “so what is classical Christian education (CCE)?”

CCE is a way for students to learn, by incorporating methods based on natural phases of child development, cultivating Christian virtues, training students in Logic, Reasoning, and Rhetoric. The result is that students learn HOW to think through a Biblical worldview, not what to think through the cultural worldview. CCE supports parents in raising their children by God’s design. CCE uses a Biblical framework to understand everything. And all subjects are integrated around the truth that God is THE Creator of all that exists. All subjects are understood through the revealed word of God.

Visit for a more detailed explanation and understanding.

PCCS is an independent, non-denominational, not-for-profit, classical and Christian school, not affiliated with any specific church. Tuition covers around 80% of the budget. Our school relies on the generous giving of our community and financial partners to help cover the remaining operating expenses, so that we are able to open as scheduled in August and and to continue to grow well into the future.  If you are interested in volunteering or wish to discuss financial partner options, contact Mark Bolt @615-308-8658 or [email protected].

Mark  Bolt, Founder Philos Classical Christian School –

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