Prayer - 1 Peter 4 | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - July 2024 issue

2 Corinthians 10


As Believers and Followers of Jesus Christ…are we expected to surrender EVERY THOUGHT…EVERY WORD…and EVERY DEED to the authority of God? Apparently, Apostle Paul thought so…as he wrote, “Cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God…and bring into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ.”

Is this possible…in our own strength and wisdom? Remember, all things are possible with God. Let’s pray and begin.

Prayer: Lord, we want to be under Your authority. You know what is best in everything. We know that we know that we know that You are not egotistical in wanting our worship and devotion…but when we are surrendered You will teach us all things to help us grow and mature in wisdom…in spiritual matters…and then we will see clearly the purpose You have for us. Apostle Paul learned THE WAY even though his humanity got in “the way” many times.

Lord Jesus, we’re thankful to know and to love You. You have made it clear. The MORE we surrender, the MORE we grow…and then we can GO on behalf of Your Kingdom.  Please help us to surrender everything to You. Let it be. Amen

Ralph E. Vaughn

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