Yes, Ladybugs are good bugs & great for your garden | Nashville Christian Family Magazine July 2023 issue - free Christian magazine

Ladybugs are Good for Your Garden

Maintaining a sprawling, bright, green garden requires time, effort, and a lot of hard work. Pest control is an important aspect of this process. Pests are a common problem in gardens, whether it is winter, summer, spring, or fall. But did you know you can use some friendly bugs to take care of the peskier bugs? Get your gardening gloves on, and we’ll show you how to get started. 

Wanted: Beneficial Bugs

Certain bugs play a key role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystem. They contribute to pollination by aiding in the transfer of pollen while also acting as natural predators to keep unwanted bug populations in check. Here are some bugs that serve as incredible multitaskers:


Bees are known for their crucial role in pollination. While we hold grudges over poolside stings and picnic disruptions, bees continue to visit flowers in search of nectar and pollen, inadvertently transferring pollen grains from one flower to another, keeping our diet diverse in the process. In addition to their pollination services, bees also help control the population of harmful insects such as aphids (plant lice) and caterpillars by feeding them to their young ones. 


These little guys are excellent pollinators that closely resemble bees. They are usually spotted hovering over their favorite flowers as they feed on nectar, spreading pollen grains as they go. These beneficial insects lay their eggs strategically among colonies of thrips, which stunt plant growth, ensuring an abundant food supply for their young.

Predatory Wasps

Predatory wasps are often misunderstood due to their association with stinging wasps. However, many species of predatory wasps play an essential role in maintaining pest populations. They are adept at controlling pests such as caterpillars, aphids, and flies, helping to keep their numbers in check while contributing to the pollination process. If left unchecked, these pests can suck the life out of your plants. 

Soldier Beetles

Soldier beetles are the ultimate garden warrior. They pollinate as they lie in wait to prey on unsuspecting snails, slugs, and caterpillars, pulling double duty in your garden. Their young ones also have quite an appetite for moths and grasshopper larvae. It’s like having a mini army keeping your garden in check. You can find these clever bugs perched on bright-colored blossoms. 


These cute little creatures are not just pretty bugs that help pollination; they are also nature’s pest controllers. They chomp down on pesky insects like aphids, Millie bugs, and scale bugs.  Did you know that one ladybug can gobble up to 5,000 aphids in its lifetime? By attracting them to your garden, you can keep plant-eating bug populations in check.

Creating a Pollinator and Pest-Friendly Garden

  • Plant a variety of native flowering plants to attract a diverse range of beneficial bugs. Just as bugs come in all shapes and sizes, so do the flowers that attract them. 
  • Avoid using broad-spectrum pesticides that can harm beneficial bugs. Instead, opt for organic pest control methods that target specific pests while sparing these pollinators.
  • Provide suitable habitats for beneficial bugs, such as installing bee houses and butterfly feeders. 

Professional Pest Control Solutions for Safe and Effective Results

Creating such a system requires patience and giving the beneficial bugs time to thrive. That’s why it’s essential to keep a keen eye out and bring in backup at the first sign of trouble! Our expert pest control professionals are here to save your plants with top-notch insect management services. Don’t hesitate to give us a buzz at 866.WAYNES1. We’ve got you covered!

Meredith Boyd, Social Media and Marketing Specialist –

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