Miss Pattycake Egg Strave Ganza | Nashville Christian Family Magazine


Jesus made a way to heaven!”

I think that about sums it up. 

Sometimes the simplest answer …. works!  The gospel is simple. Jesus did for us what we could not, cannot, do for ourselves.  No one ever could. No amount of trying, working, trying harder, sacrificing, slaving, giving, being good, or any other form of effort, is enough.  It’s like my friend, AMAZING GRACE, says,

“God wants each one of us to be His very own child.  But, because of our sin… you know, all the wrong things we think and do, we could never be good enough.  So, God made a way! He sent Jesus! His one and only son, to die on the cross for our sin. When we believe in HIM we can have life everlasting!  You see, nobody loves you like God, and THAT’S THE TRUTH!”

So – there it is – simple! The only thing we must do is…BELIEVE.  Jesus said so.  I am not telling you it is EASY to believe… but it is simple. Jesus told the disciples that we should be like “little children” who believe and receive.  Recently I pondered that – receive like a child.  It occurs to me that children are helpless. They need us for everything. The receive all they need from a parent, or a teacher. They can’t eat, dress, clean themselves, find shelter, or stay safe without help.  Shouldn’t we see ourselves like that?  I need the Father for EVERYTHING.  Jesus said it well, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Apart from me, you can do…. NOTHING”  (John 15:5)  THIS IS THE GOSPEL – the MESSAGE – the GOOD NEWS!  Jesus did everything needed for us to know Him, and live with Him forever.  WE NEED ONLY BELIEVE.

Now – tell your children the good news!  This will help make it easy:

  1. Jesus was born – He came to earth on Christmas morn
  2. He LOVES YOU. He lived a life so good and true
  3. For you and me… He gave his life on Calvary
  4. There is so much more!  3 days later He JUMPED from the grave, then He went to heaven! And now, He prays for you and me….EVERY DAY!

Those are actually lyrics from the MISS PATTYCAKE song,”Give me 5, He’s alive”.  You can find it on Spotify, Apple Music, iheartradio, etc. Also, on Miss PattyCake’s EGGSTRAVAGANZA DVD, and on the Miss PattyCake YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2MM305FBDk&t=44s

 I pray you had an eggsrtaordinary resurrection celebration!  Continue to celebrate His resurrection throughout the year with your children, talk to your children about Jesus on a regular basis.

“Let the Word of Christ – the MESSAGE- have the run of the house.  Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense.  And SING, SING YOUR HEARTS OUT TO GOD!”   Col 3:16 (Message Bible)

Jean Thomason, aka “Miss PattyCake”, is an author, speaker, singer, songwriter, with a new book, Sharing God’s BIG LOVE with Little Lives. (Worthy Publishing Group). Find her here: www.misspattycake.com

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