Lives Changed Through the Programs of The Salvation Army: Meet Teeanna - the Salvation Army of Middle Tennessee logo | Nashville Christian Family Magazine July 2023 issue - free Christian magazine

The Salvation Army Pathway of Hope program provides individualized services to families with children who desire to improve their quality of life. Teeanna’s family entered the program after participating in one of The Salvation Army youth engagement activities not fully understanding what it would mean for them.

Teanna says, “Signing up was an easy process to go through and my girls love the people that we come in contact with. The Pathway of Hope program offered a lot of things that I didn’t know existed. They help you go to school if you’d like. They actually helped me fix my car! That was big benefit right there that I wasn’t expecting.”

For Teanna’s oldest daughter, it opened up ideas for her future. “One of the ladies at The Salvation Army sent me a text about going to a college tour and we ended up going. I didn’t know that my daughter actually is thinking about going to the college. The Salvation Army helped her realize there were more possibilities than just staying stuck at what you’re used to. Now she’s looking into doing hair, but she also wants to be a Lawyer.”

“I’m so thankful to the Salvation Army. They open our minds up to possibilities that we did not see or could imagine. The Salvation Army is a very positive place to be, and it makes a difference.”

Misty Ratcliff, Development and Communications Manager, The Salvation Army, Nashville Area Command –

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