A Group united | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - Free Christian Magazine

I was in a room where most of the people did not look like me.  Their political beliefs where not the same as mine.  Their life experiences were very different therefore their perspective on the world was also very different…

And in that moment, I knew two things.  I had a lot to learn and I was exactly where I was supposed to be to start.

The invitation to this event came at a time when I had been challenging my team with a very simple directive. 

How do we reach those in our market who don’t look like me, (white, 50, evangelical, not cool at all), because, I am more convinced than ever that this is our “calling”. 

There is enough common ground between most of the people in which I come in contact that they probably don’t need me to convert them.  That’s the role of Jesus and the Holy Spirit and sometimes I get to be a very small part. I do believe that others simply need to know that there is a tribe here that is looking to expand, we have a deep desire to learn and grow as we go, and maybe, if we lock arms on this journey, we can accomplish some great Kingdom work together.

In marketing we really look at “the demographics”.  We focus on a target that is made up of a particular age, gender, income, etc. and then build a message and choose media channels that deliver the audience we want.   Understand that my organization is “self-funded” meaning we build marketing campaigns and then deploy advertising that delivers results for our partners or we “get fired”.  (You won’t hear us ask for donations unless they are to fund our non-profit partners.)

We have always believed that how people think, the psychographic, is far more important than the demographic.  We are convinced that most of us want the same things:  Love, happiness, safety, security, the ability to raise our kids inside our belief system and the desire to see them do the same just to list a few, are all normal human desires. 

These things are the common ground.  We must find them and then we can discuss where we differ.  I don’t believe, if we are true Kingdom citizens, we

are allowed to use those differences as the central reason to avoid building relationships.  Jesus never did. Some politicians certainly do.  Many political organizations on both sides raise money off those differences.    

There may be a lot of money in division but there is very little ministry.    

I once had a member of a local church walk into my radio station with a flyer for an upcoming “revival”. He immediately asked me where I went to church.  I told him.  I will never forget his next line.

“Do you know the problem I have with you, (insert the denomination here)?   

It did not really matter what he said after that.                                

Kevin Anderson-General Manager 94 FM The Fish Nashville and Salem Communications                                       

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