Information Overload over your health | Portrait of 2 happy & smiling seniors riding bicycles | April 2023 issue \ Nashville Christian Family Magazine

By the time I was a junior in high school, I was almost 300 lbs. I was prediabetic, had horrible heartburn, and very low confidence. This had gone on for years until I was finally fed up with living like that and being made fun of in school. I ended up losing over 100 lbs by the time I graduated high school and never looked back. Throughout that journey, God started showing me how he has made our bodies and how if we partner with that design and steward our body well we would be able and available to serve others better and to do all God has called us to. 

Since then, over the past 10 years, we have helped hundreds of adults and thousands of students understand how to build a solid foundation of habits in their health. One main problem we see when people try and live a healthy lifestyle is information overload.

We don’t have an information problem in America today hat is keeping people from being healthy. Anyone can go on google and look up “How to be healthy” and 50+ million results pop up. It can feel so confusing! 

Many times the more information we take in the less we actually apply. Add on top of that the thousands of different articles and opinions that contradict each other that are out there and it becomes super confusing. Not to mention how hard itis for us to not compare ourselves to other peers and people on social media and feel pressured to look a certain way or eat a certain way. 

Our goal should be to build actual habits we can apply into every season of life so we can serve God and others better. Let’s talk through some solutions in the way we think about this problem.


We must focus on application over information. Having simple frameworks that break health down into easy-to-follow habits is crucial for success. Health isn’t just about learning the right things to do, it’s aboutthinking the right way about health.After all, transformation comes by the renewing of the mind. (Romans 12:1-2)

No matter what stage of health you are in be encouraged today! If you focus on the simple things you can actually apply to your life and be consistent in those day in and day out, you will see great results that last in every season. 

Ashton Tate is the founder of Glory to Glory Fitness and the creatorof The F.O.R.M. Curriculum. He works with schools all over the country to help students build a solid foundation in their health.

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