Karen Weigand - Where Is God? | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

Joshua 24: 15

God created all things that exists…and then made a man and a woman…giving them the ability to make choices. In other words, they were not robots that had to perform as they were programmed. We are in that linage…and here we are on the first day of 2025…with the ability to make choices…in the way we think…what we believe…and how we decide to live…not as a robot but as a free-thinking person made in the Lord’s Image.

Let’s begin this new journey TODAY with some tried and proven wisdom. Our Scripture reference will help us “start on the right foot”.

“Choose for yourselves TODAY whom you will serve…but as for me…and my house…we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:15


Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us the choice of free-will. You would not have been true to Your character had You done otherwise. We appreciate Your servant Joshua…and how he showed wisdom in leading the nation of Israel with Your Spirit as his Guide. We make the same commitment TODAY.

Lord, a life without You…would be a foolish mistake. We choose You…and ask that You accept our heart-felt praise…admiration…and gratitude for creating us…and allowing us to be ONE with You TODAY and forever. Let it be. Let it be…PLEASE.

Ralph E. Vaughn

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