Dr. Ming Wang (the subject of the movie “Sight” (angel.com/sight) 25th  book, “Shi Ban Gong Bei (How to accomplish double in half of the time!) – 77 Pearls of Business Wisdom” has been widely and well received. He has been conducting a monthly Shi Ban Gong Bei zoom, on the 3rd Wed 7:30pm CT and the next one is 12/18 Wed 7:30pm CT (563 211 2348 (0524 2024))!

RSVP [email protected]

“This book can improve your efficiency 10 folds, i.e., up to 1,000%”, Dr. Wang explained, who is a world-renowned laser vision surgeon and a Harvard & MIT graduate (MD, magna cum laude) and is one of the few laser vision surgeons in the world today who holds a doctorate degree in laser physics. He explains why the SBGB book can help you improve your efficiency 10 times.

“As human beings, we are 90% emotional and irrational and only 10% are logical. Further more our irrationality is actually predictable. Hence, we can identify human irrational (bur predictable) behaviors and devise rational and logical solution to improve ourselves. Since 90% of ourselves are irrational, converting that to rational will thus improve the efficiency of what we do 10 times or 1,000%”

Dr. Wang has spent decades of his life and identified 77 irrational (but predictable) human behaviors and in the Shi Ban Gong Bei book, he pointed our rational and effective solutions. Shi Ban Gong Bei is an ancient Chinese saying of accomplishing double in half of the time, and Dr. Wang said that by combining the best from the East and West has enabled him to devise these 77 ways to improve the efficiency of what we all do in today’s world.

“My friends often ask me: ‘Ming do you have 48 eyes in a day or what?’ And my answer often surprises them: ‘Sometimes I feel like I have 72 or 96 hrs in a day’. And they ask: ‘How’ And my answer is ‘Shi Ban Gong Bei’!”

About Dr. Ming Wang, MD, PhD

Dr. Ming Wang, Harvard & MIT (MD, magna cum laude); PhD (laser physics), is a world-renowned laser eye surgeon, philanthropist, and a co-founder of the Common Ground Network.

As a teenager, Ming fought valiantly to escape China’s Cultural Revolution – during which millions of innocent youth were deported to remote areas to face a life sentence of hard labor and poverty. He came to America with only $50 and earned two doctorate degrees, one in laser physics and one in medicine, and graduated with the highest honors from Harvard Medical School and MIT.

The amniotic membrane contact lens, which Dr. Wang has invented (and holds two U.S. patents), has been used by tens of thousands of eye doctors throughout the world in nearly every nation, and millions have had their eyesight restored.

Wang Foundation for Sight Restoration has helped patients from over 40 states in the U.S. and 55 countries, with all sight restoration surgeries performed free-of-charge. Dr. Wang was named the Kiwanis Nashvillian of the Year for his lifelong dedication to help blind orphaned children from around the world.

The film “Sight” is based on Dr. Wang’s autobiography “From Darkness to Sight” and co-stars Greg Kinnear.

To reach Dr. Ming Wang: [email protected], www.drmingwang.com.

Leona Walthorn

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