Snowflakes, It’s All In The Details… | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

Six-sided intricate symmetrical designs. No two are alike.  Billions fall during one snowstorm alone. Snowflakes. Amazing works of art and creation lasting only a few hours or seconds. One would wonder why so much detail is included in something so small and finite?  That is the nature of God.  He is a creator that never holds back and considers every detail on this earth.  Winter is considered a season of rest and a time for nature’s beauty to slumber.  When we step outside, the cool air takes our breath, the birds are silent and the leaves are gone. We see our world with a new perspective. Open landscape, once hidden by green reveals its structure. God gives us a moment in the year to focus our senses and take note of the more minor details.  There are times in our own lives that we may feel in the middle of a bleak season.  We may be struggling with heartache, lost, physical limitations, but God wants us to know that He sees all.  He knows the intricate details of our lives and has us in His hand. 

My Grandmother Billie used to say, that “aging isn’t for the weak!” As our bodies and minds change over the years, our skin sags, we lose muscle tone, we become less resilient to stress.  Many of us will experience medical events that totally change the trajectory of our lives.  We recently spent 8 beautiful weeks getting to know 6 individuals that had recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.  Along with the typical information exchanged about latest treatments and medications and therapy options, we spent a lot of time discussing the change in their lives and marriages.  Just like snowflakes, no two stories were alike.

We may not always understand the ‘why’ of our circumstances, but if we look closer and quiet our minds and hearts, we may just see the detail of His plan.  Take time this month to reflect on the many blessings that are in your life.  Stop and consider the path that you have traveled and know that each step has been purposed.  Be an encouragement to those around you that are blinded by their storm and cannot see the small details around them.  Consider the snowflakes in your own life.  May God bless you!

 I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Wonderful are thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well.

Psalms 139:14

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