Bible teaching in small group | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - October 2024 issue

Serving Jesus is a profound privilege and a transformative journey that allows us to lift His name in every aspect of our lives. As Christians, we are called to be His hands and feet, reaching out to those around us with love, compassion, and grace. Yet, many of us find ourselves hesitant, unsure of how to step into our callings. It is important to remember that these callings are uniquely tailored to our personalities and chosen by the One who created us. He knows precisely how to use our particular talents to fulfill His good and perfect will.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:10-11 (New International Version)

Every calling, whether grand or seemingly small, plays a significant role in God’s divine plan. When we align ourselves with His purpose, we find that He uses us in extraordinary ways, often beyond what we could ever imagine. This blog post aims to inspire and encourage those who are timid about stepping into their God-given roles. God calls us individually and uses our uniqueness to make a difference in the world.

Growing up, I was a timid child with a mean-spirited father who often made me feel scared. This experience caused me to think that I had little value. I attended a church where the wrath of God was often preached and taught. These two oppressive influences made me uncertain about wanting to know God personally, even though I had accepted Jesus into my heart at the age of nine.

As an adult, after leaving that church and joining one where God’s love was preached, taught, and demonstrated through the people’s caring actions, I started to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. I started singing in the choir early in my faith journey. The church members encouraged me to perform solos, and I often had the opportunity to do so. Although I was still working through feelings of low self-worth, I felt God urging me to use my talent for outreach. Though hesitant and fearful, I knew deep down He was calling me to take a step of faith and allow Him to work through me.

In the end, I pledged to the Lord that if He granted me the opportunity to sing outside the walls of the church I attended, I would devote every moment to Him and His perfect will. I invested hours in finding new songs with soundtracks, waiting until I felt the Lord’s anointing on a particular song that encouraged me to learn it.

Then, I spent additional hours practicing until I memorized each word, ensuring that I was fully prepared to perform under the guidance and anointing of Holy Spirit. I approached this calling with the belief, “I need to prepare thoroughly as if everything relies on me, while knowing that ultimately everything is in the hands of the Lord.”

He began giving me many opportunities to sing. Often before singing, I received a message from the Lord to share, and many times, that message felt even more important than the song. I believed it was crucial to make every interaction with the congregation or audience meaningful, and I recognized that without the anointing of Holy Spirit, my efforts would be in vain. I dedicated much time to prayer and praise, allowing Jesus to lead me, even rewriting some song lyrics to better honor Him.

Reflecting on that period of about 20 years, I am certain it was His calling for me, bringing irreplaceable peace and joy along with a deepened sense of His love for me. This convinced me that if the King of the Universe valued me, I should value myself too. This time deepened my reliance on Him, and my prayer became, “Jesus, I can’t do it, but you can. Use me to bring you glory and let others know your presence.” I often said, “I am a nobody from nowhere, but He has made me a somebody going somewhere.” I also learned a very valuable lesson in humility, which is that I am not defined by who I am but by whose I am. The King of the Universe created and restored me, and I belong to Him.

In closing, let us always remember that our ultimate goal in serving is to lift up Jesus. Whether we are called to sing, teach, serve in any way, or lead, each action is an opportunity to glorify Him and make His presence known in our lives and the lives of others. He uses us to fulfill His purpose in both small and great ways every day. A calling might occur just once, providing a unique opportunity to uplift someone He brings across your path with precisely what will bring them joy. By embracing our unique callings and stepping out in faith, we become vessels through which His love and power can flow.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, do not shy away from the call that God has placed on your heart. Trust that He has equipped you for the task and that He will walk with you every step of the way. Remember, your calling is personal and specific, chosen by the Creator who knows you intimately. Let us lift Jesus up in all that we do and watch as He works through us to accomplish His magnificent plan.

Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:20-21 (NIV)

Danny Willis –

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