Election Integrity - Why Is It Important? | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

Over the past century, America’s foundational Judeo-Christian values have been systematically eroded, leaving our Founding Fathers’ vision of “One Nation Under God” almost unrecognizable. Prayer has been removed from our schools, the Ten Commandments from our courtrooms, and most importantly, God has been displaced as the center of our homes. This shift has contributed to a growing secularization, where reliance on an ever-expanding government is replacing faith in God.

At the heart of this moral decline lies a critical truth: we, as a people, have strayed from the divine principles upon which this nation was built. The fabric of our society has unraveled, and a key driver of this breakdown is the loss of integrity and moral leadership among America’s men. To heal our nation, we must first focus on restoring men to their God-given roles as leaders of their families, communities, and nation.

Introducing “The First Hour” for Men

“The First Hour for Men” is a practical and transformative tool designed to reignite the spiritual leadership of men across America. This initiative empowers men to engage in daily prayer and self-reflection, calling them to recommit to God, their families, and their country. Our ultimate aim is clear: Heal the Man… Heal the Family… Heal the Nation.

Heal the Man

The moral decay we witness today stems from men neglecting their roles as spiritual leaders. When men live in disobedience, ignoring God’s commandments, the repercussions are felt in their homes and across the nation. The First Hour program is dedicated to reversing this trend by fostering a closer, daily relationship with God for every man who participates. By reconnecting men with their faith, we are taking the first steps toward healing our families and our country.

Our goal is ambitious yet achievable: to distribute one million copies of The First Hour book across the United States by the end of 2024. To date, over 500,000 copies have been distributed to men nationwide, with countless testimonies affirming the transformative power of this program.

The Three Commitments

We encourage every man who engages with The First Hour to make three vital commitments:

  1. Complete the 30-day program.
    The First Hour is more than just a book; it’s a comprehensive prayer guide and study resource designed to restore a man’s relationship with God. Hundreds of
  2. testimonies from men and their families reveal the life-changing impact of this 30-day commitment.
  3. Embrace all seven steps of the program.
    Each step of The First Hour is carefully designed to foster growth in all aspects of a man’s life, from spiritual renewal to practical life changes.
  • Share the program with four other men.
    The power of this movement lies in its ability to multiply. As each man commits to sharing this program, we broaden our reach and accelerate the healing process across the nation.

Heal the Family

When a man returns to a solid, daily relationship with God and reclaims his role as the spiritual leader of his household, his family will naturally follow suit. The restoration of the traditional American family is crucial to realizing the vision our Founding Fathers had for a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people,” rooted in divine guidance. As men lead their families back to God, we will see stronger families, and ultimately, a stronger nation.


The time is now. With millions of men praying each morning, we have the power to reclaim the spiritual and moral foundation of our country. The First Hour is not just about personal renewal—it’s about national restoration. As we heal our men and families, we pave the way for a nation that returns to God, reestablishes traditional values, and embraces the principles that made America great.


To further advance our mission, we are encouraging all men involved with The First Hour—and their families—to fulfill their patriotic duty by voting. From local school boards to national elections, we must elect leaders who respect the Constitution and uphold the godly values upon which our nation was founded. Regardless of political party, we must prioritize candidates who share our Christian values and are committed to restoring America’s spiritual foundation, not just in their campaign promises, but through their actions once elected or appointed.

In every election, from local to federal, it is critical that we vote for candidates who align with biblical principles and who will, if elected, work diligently to guide America back to God’s Word.

A National Challenge

We challenge every man in this nation to renew his relationship with God, become the spiritual leader of his household, and embody the father and husband God has called him to be. Furthermore, we challenge every man to share the message of salvation through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Together, as we commit to fulfilling the Great Commission, we can help restore America as “One Nation Under God.”

With God’s help and your commitment, we believe this vision is not just a dream—it is our future.

God bless you, and may God bless America!

Mark W. Koch is an Author, inspirational speaker, and Hollywood Film Producer. To order a Free Copy of, “The First Hour” for Men 30-Day Journey, Visit www.thefirsthour.com and use promo code NCF

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