senior woman in a wheelchair | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - September 2024 issue

So many of our senior care phone calls come from stressed-out, burned-out family caregivers.  Their stories all have the same familiar details including years of giving personalized one-on-one care, sleepless nights, injuries of their own and complete frustration and exhaustion.  The most important element of all runs through each family’s story, the sense of duty and obligation to the ones they love.  “I know I can’t keep doing this, but I’m ok right now”.  “I promised her I would never put her into an institution”. Or “No one can care for my mother like I can”.

Here are some startling statistics about caregivers in America today:

*There are 65 million caregivers providing 20 hours or more of unpaid care a week

*Of these family caregivers, 60% work outside of the home

*70% suffer from depression

*Women make up 66% of the caregivers and 64% of those live with the loved one

*An estimated 30-40% of caregivers die before the ones they are caring for do

National Alliance for Caregiving in collaboration with AARP; November 2019

When we receive these calls, our local senior care advisors come alongside the family in need and help put resources in place to begin to relieve the heavy burden.  Our goal is put the professionals in place either through home care services, adult day programs, or placement in assisted living to take over the physical care giving.  Only then can that family caregiver return to caring for themselves and being the family member they were meant to be.  We finally see the family restored and everyone back in their proper roles.  I often tell families, “Caring for your loved one 24 hours/day, 7 days/week is a task we simply weren’t designed to perform. It’s like asking yourself to fly like a bird.  It sounds like a lovely endeavor until you step off the limb”.  Once the care is in place, we connect our families to support and stay available to them for any future questions. 

Your local senior care advisor for Greater Nashville is Amy Davis. Amy grew up at the base of Pikes Peak in Colorado. After meeting her husband during Freshman year at the University of Arizona, together they raised their two children in a quaint suburb of Chicago. Amy and her husband have opened their home to many vulnerable children through the Safe Families for Children ministry. Amy worked in Pastoral Care for her church for several years and then worked in the hospital setting alongside families who were facing the tragic loss of a loved one helping to coordinate their life saving gifts as organ donors. Her passion to serve others is where she feels God has called her to be. It is truly her honor to work with families who are facing difficult seasons and help them on that journey to find hope.

Now residing in the Nashville area, Amy is delighted to partner with Senior Provisions as an advisor to families who are seeking a trusted advocate during a transitional time in their lives. All of the care management and referrals are at NO COST to families.

Amy Hentschel, Owner/Senior Care Advisor –

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