Teachable Moments Build Faith | Nashville Christian Family Magazine

As Christians, we understand that we are called to walk by faith, and not by sight, however, this can feel unfamiliar and somewhat challenging to our carnal instincts.  Yet, the Bible is full of stories where men and women of faith professed what they “hoped for” and not necessarily what they saw.  After all, this is the essence of faith – “the substance of things we hope for, the evidence of things not seen”.  (Hebrews 11:1).

Faith is like a muscle that must be exercised and “worked” to do the heavy lifting.  This can be difficult especially in harder circumstances, but our circumstances should never take place above the Word of God.  Just like muscles increase as they are challenged in higher levels of resistance or weight, so it is with faith, we believe for small moves of God to prepare us for the bigger hurdles that life may throw our way.

Another way to build our faith is to “hear” the word.  As Romans 10:17 appropriately reminds us, “Faith comes by hearing the Word of God”.  This is in the present tense– hearing, not having heard.  What better way to “hear” as to speak it out loud. 

When we say the Word of God to the stumbling blocks, we then watch God miraculously move.  We speak our God-given authority over the problem. Mark 11:23, advises us to “speak to our mountain”.  Our mountain may be anything that seems difficult at the time to overcome.

Remind yourself of the stories in the Bible where God performed the impossible.  It has been said that instead of telling God about your problem, tell your problem about your God!  Find encouragement by reading the Word.  Reminding ourselves through the stories of His faithfulness throughout the entire Bible is a powerful way to encourage our faith.  One such story is the children of Israel leaving Egypt.

God’s people were faced with the impossible.  On one side of them, they had an army chasing them, ready to take their life.  On the other side, they faced a sea that posed drowning if they ventured in.  The choices seemed bleak and yet God parted the sea and the children of Israel walked right through the middle of their obstacle.  What God did for the children of Israel – He will do for you.  He is not a respecter of people.  (Romans 2:11).

Lastly, as long as we are on this side of Heaven, challenges will come our way.  Not because God has caused the challenge but because we live in a fallen world.  However, take heart, we can use this challenge as an opportunity to grow in our faith. 

Remember to thank God for his provision before the answer is apparent as you work your faith muscle. We get to walk by faith because it pleases God. 

Rhonda L Smart – [email protected]

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