Prayer - 1 Peter 4 | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - July 2024 issue

You try and try, but sometimes your goal seems to get farther away. Maybe it’s a project at work, remodeling a house, or getting in shape. Every time you seem make progress something kills your momentum.

You might say, “I feel like I take two steps forward and one step backwards.”

There are many whose Christian walk is that way. They get in a groove walking with the Lord and are moving forward in grace and maturity, and then…WHAM! Something knocks them backwards. Often it is past failures or a particular sin. Satan pounces and convinces Christians they are not worthy of God’s grace. He recalls those sins and whispers to our souls, “If people knew what you’ve done, you’d be exposed as a hypocrite.”

Once that thought is planted in your mind you often drift back into guilt and struggle to understand why Jesus would forgive you of anything.

That’s when it’s time to make W.A.R.!

  • Wash in the blood of Christ.
  • Armor up for the fight.
  • Refill with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Too often Christians think that when they come to Christ it is a “one-and-done” kind of decision. But think about it. You don’t take one bath or shower and think you’re clean for the rest of your life, do you? Jesus said to take up your cross daily. He knew the fight against the fleshly desires of this world would require daily confession of sin; daily recognition of our dependence on Him; daily committing our lives to walk in obedience to His commands.

The way we succeed in all these things is to go back to the saving, healing, cleansing blood of Christ that was shed on the cross to liberate us from the slavery of sin and death. Remember? “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). Kill Satan’s whispers by washing in the blood!

And then armor up. We cannot expect to win a spiritual battle using the conventional weapons of religious activity. We need the supernatural weapons provided by God in Ephesians 6:10-18 if we are to “stand against the schemes of the devil.” We are in a fight. Don’t get lulled to sleep by an easy life. Armor up!

And finally, you’ve got to refill with the power of the Holy Spirit. War is exhausting and can wear you down. You may have been washed in the blood and be dressed for battle, but if you forget the Lord and fight in your own power, you will lose. Stay “charged” by frequent prayer and Bible reading. Those are the two primary means through which the Holy Spirit keeps you fresh. Even when the struggle is unbearable, prayer and Scripture will sustain you in the fight.

So are you a “two steps forward and one step back” kind of Christian? Don’t be. Wake up every day and get ready for WAR! 

Mark W. Koch is an Author, inspirational and sought after speaker, and Hollywood film producer. To order a Free Copy of, “The First Hour” for Men 30-Day Journey, Visit and use promo code NCF

A Message From The Author Of “The First Hour For Men”

The Bible tells us that God wants to bless our lives in ways that we cannot imagine. As our Heavenly Father, He wants to fulfill His dream for our lives. So many times we miss God’s best because we don’t give Him the opportunity to guide and direct us on a daily basis. Giving God an opportunity to fulfill His dream for our lives is what The First Hour for Men is all about.

Marriages are being healed, relationships with children are being restored, financial burdens are being lifted, miracles are happening. God is showing up and showing off in all areas of the lives of the men who are earnestly seeking Him and spending their first hour with God daily. God promises to answer the prayers of the righteous who diligently seek him. I challenge you to find out for yourself!

May God begin to abundantly bless you!

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