There is an interesting video on YouTube that spells out five (5) things that Jesus DID NOT SAY.
1. Follow your heart. Jesus NEVER said that. Instead, He said for us to FOLLOW Him because our hearts are subjective and can be deceived.
2. Be true to yourself. Jesus NEVER said that. Instead, He said that whoever wants to be His disciple must deny him/herself…take up his/her cross and FOLLOW Jesus.
3. Believe in yourself. Jesus NEVER said that either. Instead, He said that He is The Way, The Truth and The Life…and that Jesus is The Path to The Heavenly Father.
4. Live your truth. Jesus NEVER said that. Instead, Jesus said that He is The Truth…and that The Truth will set us FREE.
5. As long as we are happy, that’s all that matters. Jesus NEVER said that either. Instead, He asked some questions. What does it profit a person if he/she gains the whole world…but loses his/her soul? What would a person give in exchange for his/her soul?
Prayer: Lord, thank You for setting us straight. Lord Jesus, You are the Absolute Authority. You created everything…so…You made the rules. Thank You. Thank You. Amen.
Ralph E. Vaughn