Easter - the Gospel of Luke - Three crosses during a sunset image | April 2023 issue \ Nashville Christian Family Magazine


Prayers change things…starting with us. Our prayer life should not be relegated to just when we’re facing challenges or a GIMME…GIMME…GIMME attitude.

Our lifestyle should be one of prayers: talking with and spending more time listening to The Lord; constant dialogue with our Best Friend. We should share everything with The Lord, our God, after all, He knows our hearts and every thought that we have.

God is God and will always deserve respect, honor, reverence as Creator, Savior and Lord. Scripture reminds us to “pray without ceasing”. If not before…starting today…let’s make our prayer life a priority: listening and talking…more than once or twice a day…but with “an attitude of gratitude” as our foundation of thinking.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for giving us the gift to choose. We choose You…because You have the keys to unlock all doors…giving us meaning and purpose.  Lord Jesus, this is a tremendous day  because You made it for us. We thank You…and rejoice knowing we may abide in ONENESS with You. Thank You for the honor of having spiritual eyes, ears and a mind that recognizes Your presence in all things. Amen.

Ralph E. Vaughn

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