Lee Company’s FM2 team provides reliable facilities management and maintenance.

As a post-pandemic labor shortage looms for businesses across the Nashville region, owners and managers are wondering where they’ll find the staff they need to manage their facilities. For many of them, the solution is not to hire anyone at all. 

Instead, they’re focusing on their core business without distractions and letting us at Lee Company handle the details of keeping their facilities running smoothly. 

Our Facilities Management and Maintenance team (FM²) performs HVAC, electrical, and plumbing service and repairs, as well as general maintenance and projects. 

We have a serious skilled labor gap in the entire country. It’s hard for companies to keep workers with those skills in-house.  

For some customers, our FM² staff members are on-site every day. Other businesses may need help for a few days or weeks, or as briefly as a few hours.

FM² team members can assist with tasks of all sizes, from rewiring electrical circuits to climbing a ladder for someone uncomfortable with heights. In an emergency, the FM² team is available 24/7. 

We exist so our clients can concentrate on doing the work they love! 

Our technicians bring decades of experience when they walk in the door, but with such a diverse customer base, they know it’s important to learn about each one before beginning work. 

We have to start from a place of vulnerability and transparency. What does a successful day for an NFL team look like? Or a hospital or a barge company? We sit down with our customers, who co-create the solution with us.

Our technicians in the field can call on our Virtual Support Center to help craft solutions, which saves time and money for customers. Technology, like our own brand of smart thermostats, can continuously monitor facilities and provide instant alerts. 

It’s like virtual boots on the ground 24/7 and provides actionable data! 

Our technicians are part of a 1,500-person-strong, family-owned company that is committed to creating opportunities for its employees and supporting its communities. 

A lot of companies can send a tradesperson to a site. The difference is the culture that we bring. We have the skill sets to provide the service they need and a national industry-leading safety record. We have a team who are on their game every day.

Steve Scott, Senior Vice President of FM2 Business Development, Lee Company – leecompany.com 

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