Have you been a victim of the cancel culture yet?  Being cancelled is becoming common place in today’s world if you don’t agree with certain groups.  You are not alone; Jesus was cancelled, all the way to death on a cross.  The New Testament records that the religious leaders hated Jesus to the point that they arrested Him, tried Him, and brought Him to Pilate for a sentence of death. What made them so angry at Jesus that they wanted to permanently cancel him that badly?

There were several things about Jesus that infuriated the religious leaders. These included the claims that He made. The deeds that He did. His threat to their religious system. His threat to their way of life. The people with whom He socialized. The lack of respect He had for their religious traditions.

Sound somewhat familiar in today’s world?  What are we going to do about being cancelled and shut down?  First, even though Covid is real, vaccines have been more than shouted from the housetops. But I, along with others, have been shouting out a device to kill bacteria, mold and the Sars Covid viruses, which has been proven repeatedly to destroy the Covid virus, even the Delta Variant. A simple NASA-developed technology in the Active Pure Air Purifier will help keep you and your family breathing clean air.  Haven’t heard that all over the news, have you?  my1link.me/mediaconsultant 

Another thing, and this is for everyone, there is a faith-based, family-friendly, viewer-supported streaming network being built as we speak. This is a global, non-cancellable network that will bring biblical and conservative, family-friendly programs to your home, smart phone, tablet or anywhere you can watch television. World Inspirational Network® Television (WIN TV) is a Tennessee Non-Profit LLC. It is a free streaming television network designed to educate, entertain, encourage, and evangelize on a global technological front. It has a global reach with private media server banks (not tied to Big Tech) protecting against cancel culture, with the potential of over 2 billion members, encouraging collaboration of hundreds of thousands of churches globally.

It will be a not-for-profit, family-friendly, and faith-based network, member and donor supported. There will be a multitude and a wide variety of channels on the network including news, sports, education, children’s programs, movies, music, teen channels, and live programming, to name just a few of the subjects the channels will explore. 

World Inspirational Network®, www.wintv.world, needs your help and partnership. WIN TV needs people to pray, they need channel owners and resources, donors and philanthropists. People willing to give part of their offerings to see this network grow and become a global voice for conservative and biblical values. Gifts and even complex assets can be donated for a tax write-off at https://give.idonate.com/the-signatry-foundation/win-tv.

It is your time to step up and be a loud voice for your children and for biblical values – now you can support and partner with WIN TV and make a difference in this cancel culture society. 

 Michael Carnes

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