body and soul - reading the Bible | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - October 2024 issue

Last month, my article, “The Gift of Knowing God”, highlighted how God has given us a wonderful gift to know Him.  This is such a deep and rich advantage we have as Christians as we navigate life’s daily challenges.  Because my last piece only brushed the subject, I am following up with part 2.  However, as previously mentioned, this is an inexhaustible subject that will always have more depths to explore and more insight to discover.

One of the foundational truths in knowing God is to realize that God wants to be known by us.  He wants us to experience Him in a myriad of ways.  He is not aloof.  He sent His Son, Jesus, to bridge the gap that sin caused so therefore, He invites us into a dynamic relationship with Him.   

Growing up in Church, I had a one-sided opinion of God and the way I related to Him as well as the way He related to me.  I saw Him as an authoritarian figure that ruled with a strict and forthright attitude, ready to strike me with a lightning bolt if I stepped out of line.   I saw myself as a small speck on His radar.  Religion had a lot to do with my young philosophy.  Even though I had well-meaning Sunday School teachers that seemed to respect God – they also gave me an unholy fear of Him.  He is an authoritarian figure, but so much more.  And I am not just a speck on His radar. 

When I read a Scripture that He knows the very number of hairs on my head (Matthew 10:30 and Luke 12:7) or He formed me in my mother’s womb (Psalms 139:13-15) or so many others that remind us of the plans He has for us, I realize that I am so much more.  God created you and me with a plan.  He has made us for purpose.   The more we know God, the more we know about ourselves.     

Like my dear Sunday School teacher, there are many well-meaning, church-going individuals that seem to know a lot about God, but they do not “know” Him. They do not know His character. 

Think about the many people we come across daily.  We may know a lot about them.  Even intimate details like their favorite color or their shoe size, or perhaps what they ate for breakfast, but we really do not know them. This is the extent of the relationship for many people with God; they may think they know a lot about Him, but they fail to know Him. 

To know God is to experience Him.  This is the relationship God has made us for.  It is a two-way street. He wants us to know Him as much as He wants to know us.  It has been said that God is a gentleman, and He will not force Himself on anyone.  The truth of this

statement is that God longs to have connection with us, but He will not demand it.  He longs to be a part of our deepest desires, loftiest dreams, painful heartaches, etc. etc., but He will not automatically show up — He must be invited. 

God has direction, answers, comfort, and so much more.  His life is an “Open Book” that He shares with us.  We literally have the Bible to go deep with Him and continue have a vibrant relationship with an Almighty Savior.

Are there areas of your life that are closed off?  Allow God to continue to penetrate your heart so that you can know Him, and He can intimately know you.

Rhonda L. Smart, [email protected]

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