The Trinity of God: God, Three Distinct Persons - God the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - August 2024 issue

The Holy Trinity, one God, three unique persons combined into one Deity. This is one of the hardest dogmas of the Christian faith.  It’s kind of surprising that there are only nine, out of thousands of Christian religions, that choose not share that belief. 

In a personal attempt to better understand this doctrine, it helps when I write out my thoughts.

The first time I read through the Bible, I experienced multiple “Awakenings”.  For those not familiar with my writings: an awakening is an event given to us by God for the purpose of revealing the path he wants us to take. It is totally up to us if we choose to act on this guidance.

One of these awakenings was the obvious messaging that helps us understand the distinct natures, personalities, and human-like quirks between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I say the word, obvious, only because I was looking for them. Prior to this, I had read parts of the Bible many times, but never cover to cover.

The Trinity of God

In the Old Testament, God the Father is prominent and dominate, and in more ways than as the sole Deity.  Time and again, we hear that our God is a jealous God, he helped armies kill thousands of His people’s opponents. Noah witnessed first-hand His wrath, when He flooded the land to start building back His flock with new people.  The Father is the one that gave Moses the Ten Commandments, and they were not offered in a sugar coated, loving manner; they were indeed commands; the dos and don’t that must be followed or else. 

Then comes Jesus, the person of the loving Son, the Word made flesh in the Good News!  The Gospels are filled with the love and mercy of God. Jesus speaks with the children and the poor; the Father, spoke directly to Kings and warriors. Jesus forgave sinners, God the Father, punished the wicked. Jesus turned the other cheek, while God went toe to toe with the Gods of Egypt and the pharaoh. Even with Jesus’ abundant mercy, there is only one sin that cannot be forgiven, the speaking against and the denial of the Holy Spirit, the Protector.

After Jesus’ ascension into heaven, He leaves for us third person of God, the Holy Spirit. It is only after Jesus’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection, through the power of Holy Spirit, that humanity can fully understand the extent of God’s love and the price paid for our forgiveness. It is through the fruits of the Holy Spirit that we are made capable of continuing God’s work on earth.  It is the Holy Spirit that gives us the strength of God in discerning right from wrong. It is only when we refuse to except God’s forgiveness that we cannot be saved.  It is Jesus who makes this crystal clear:

“Whoever says a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age, or in the ages to come.  (Matthew 12:31-32)  

If this is my last post, I want all to know, there was only one purpose for all that I have written; to have made a positive difference in the lives of others.

Anthony “Tony” Boquet, the author of “The Bloodline of Wisdom, The Awakening of a Modern Solutionary”

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