Prayer - 1 Peter 4 | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - July 2024 issue

1 Peter 4

For today…let us look at every situation…every circumstance…and ASK what the Lord is teaching us.  Scripture reminds us that God has Lessons in Living available for those He loves. When we search for Truth…we are to look as if we are searching for a “hidden treasure”…one that will change our attitude…our perspective…and our life. When found…we are to use the new knowledge to honor God…and to use our discovery to add spiritual muscles to our soul and mind.

Knowing God is GOOD…how can we use every situation or circumstance for discovering a deeper relationship with our Maker…our Lord?  Life on earth is not a “yellow brick road”…with no bumps. ASK what we can learn…knowing that we desire spiritual ONENESS with our Lord…because we want to be more than a superficial follower…a superficial Christian. God’s Truth is available. Let’s ASK. Let’s claim it.


Lord, we start this day knowing that You love us…and that You want to teach us Truth. With eyes and ears open to You…please show us more…teach us more. Your Word is the Path we want to follow. Your Spirit is our Guide. We ASK…believing that You are our Master Teacher…and that we want more than a superficial relationship with You. 

Lord Jesus, let it be. Let it be…for Your honor and for our spiritual maturity.


Ralph E. Vaughn

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