Meet Carla - Lives Changed Through the Programs Of the Salvation Army - Mission Maker | Nashville Christian Family Magazine August 2023 issue - free Christian magazine

Meet Carla

Carla came to The Salvation Army LIFNAV/Supportive Housing program after losing her section 8 voucher which led to eviction.

“I have been living here in Murfreesboro for six years. Everything was going good. Then I lost my Section 8. The sheriff came to my house and like you, got four days to get out. You’re going to be evicted. I started panicking, so I’m like, this can’t be happening. I was trying to do multiple things at the multiple times because my son he has a disability. The most difficult thing is trying to find another place to stay with that on your mind.”

It was at that time she was referred to the Salvation Army. “I had once again no idea what the exactly the Salvation Army did. I filled out for an application. From there, I think they called me 3 days later to move in.” Case managers were able to work with her to get her into gap housing and then work with her to find a new permanent home for her and her son. They were also able to refer her to other resources to help her family.

“My son, he’s in therapy now. It’s been a total miracle. They have really helped me. From the top to the bottom.”

Misty Ratcliff, Development and Communications Manager, The Salvation Army, Nashville Area Command –

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