Wisdom | Nashville Christian Family Magazine - August 2024 issue

Wisdom is in short supply but in high demand.  Wisdom has been defined as, “The soundness of an action or a decision possessing good judgement or knowledge”.  Wisdom has the ability to simplify an idea and yet, raise value to a situation.  Wisdom can help avoid negative consequences and apply well-seasoned discretion.   Wisdom is a skill of applying knowledge correctly.

Throughout the ages, people have always valued wisdom.  There are many books and courses supposedly offering the promise to grant wisdom after reading or being “enlightened” by the contents. 

The Bible makes it clear, “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”. (Proverbs 9:10).  If one desires wisdom, he or she must fear God.

Fearing or revering God is just the beginning of the journey of wisdom.  A person cannot possess true wisdom apart from knowing God. There are several other verses throughout the Bible that repeat the sentiment of having esteem or an awe of God equals the beginning of wisdom. 

The fear in these verses do not mean being terrified or frightened of God, but rather possessing delight, amazement, or adoration, because one is in the presence of greatness.  It holds respect and honor. 

Solomon was the wisest king in the Bible.  Solomon pursued God and therefore, wisdom became a byproduct of his relationship with the Almighty.  To recall the story, God asked Solomon for anything that he desired.  Solomon asked for wisdom so he could be an effective leader.  Because God was pleased with Solomon’s request, he also made him the richest man in the world. 

Wisdom is worth pursuing and yet, it is not completely up to us on our own.  The point is that if we lack wisdom, which we all do, we can ask God for it. (James 1:5-8).  Through having a relationship with God, wisdom will follow.   We begin to see the world through the lens of God which is filtered through His wisdom. 

As we approach God with esteem and adoration, it allows us to put Him first and everything else becomes secondary.  We operate from wisdom and knowledge.

Lastly, intellect and wisdom are not the same thing.  In the world’s foolishness for their quest for knowledge, many have mistaken acumen for wisdom and therefore have made many blunders.

To be wise begins with knowing God. The more we want to know Him, the more get to know Him. The more we get to know Him – the more wisdom we possess. 

Let’s take advice that still holds true today, from the wisest king found in Proverbs 2,   “My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands.  Tune your ears to wisdom and concentrate on understanding.  Cry out for insight and ask for understanding.  Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.  Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God.  For the Lord grants wisdom!

Rhonda L Smart, [email protected]

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